Annual Memberships fund our operating expenses, free public programs, and stewardship of our community's resources. An annual Membership is automatically provided with an annual donation of $300 or more.
Your membership fee is tax-deductible.
Payments can be made online securely with a debit or credit card, or as a direct debit from a checking or savings account. Simply click on the Join Now button. Alternatively, you can mail a check directly to Cazenovia Heritage, P.O. Box 103, Cazenovia, NY 13035.
Make an investment to fund current and future efforts to protect architectural integrity. We accept donations of any amount! A donation of $300 or more includes an Annual Membership in Cazenovia Heritage.
Payments can be made online securely with a debit or credit card, or as a direct debit from a checking or savings account. Simply click on the Donate Now button below. Alternatively, you can mail a check directly to Cazenovia Heritage, P.O. Box 103, Cazenovia, NY 13035. We appreciate your support.
Do you care about history? Are you a geek when it comes to architecture? Or do you simply care about preserving the historical character of our community? Whether providing an extra pair of hands or expertise we can draw on, volunteers help to accelerate our progress!
Sign up to volunteer today by completing the form below.
Cazenovia Heritage
P.O. Box 103 • Cazenovia, NY 13035
©2025 Cazenovia Heritage and Matai House Studio (web design)